With tax season almost behind us, this is the right time to think about what you should be setting up in your home file drawers and on your computer to keep track of what will be needed to determine your estimated tax payments throughout the year and for the next year-end filing of your returns. And while you go through this exercise, it is an excellent opportunity to think through all the documents and financial responsibilities and where relevant information should be stored, whether it be manually in paper form, in files in your computer, or on third party electronic websites and applications.
Following the suggestions in the table in the link below will certainly help you organize. It will also give you a lot to think about on all the various aspects of your financial matters. Once this is in place, you need to go through this with your loved ones and trusted persons, so they know what to do after your passing.
I only hope that we have orderly lives and the time to plan things out and let those know who should be informed of important matters, with access to relevant information. Though life can bring untimely tragic events. So please get your plans in place now.
